College Corps Community Partner Application

Deadline for Community Partners to Apply: Rolling
Student Interviews: end of July 2024 (interviews with community partners & prospective fellows)
Site Supervisor Orientation: mid-August, 2024 (day & time TBD)
College Corps Fellows Start: Week of August 26, 2024

Before submitting an application to host a College Corps Fellow for the 2024-2025 year, please review the Community Partner Responsibilities and Expectations. In order to be considered, your designated Supervisor must be available for a 1.5 hour community partner orientation in mid-August 2024. 


I. Organization Information

Address for Service (please enter the address where student service would take place, not your headquarters if different)

Does your organization offer transportation funds or BART tickets for volunteers?   Organization Info: Share your mission, activities, & population served.
All partners should agree to our shared Roles & Responsibilities. Does your organization require an additional formal signed MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)?   80% of Fellows’ service should be direct, in-person service. Up to 20% of service can be remote. Do you offer any remote service opportunities?  
Do you have additional, less intensive (under 6 hours/week) student volunteer opportunities? If yes, describe.   Do you have service opportunities over winter, spring or summer breaks? If yes, please describe.  
How many student College Corps Fellows do you hope to have serve with you?     


II. Supervisor Information

Each Community Partner Organization should designate a staff member who would be able to serve as the supervisor for your College Corps Fellow(s) and as the point of contact for a College Corps staff member. The supervisor designate should fill out this portion of the application:

How experienced are you in supervising college student volunteers?   How would you support a College Corps Fellow? How often would you want to meet with them, and would you want them to attend staff meetings, trainings, or any other professional development?  


III. Fellowship Service Schedule

Title of your College Corps Fellowship 
(Suggested title: your Organization Name + Key Issue Area &/or Job Task + “Fellow.” Example: Public Service Center Food Justice Garden Education Fellow)
Monday Service Hours: Please indicate all times available for Fellows to serve on Monday. Note any mandatory hours.
Separate blocks with a comma
(ie 9am-11am, 2-5pm Mandatory, 6-8pm). 
Tuesday Service Hours: separate time blocks with a comma
(ie 9am-11am, 2-4pm Mandatory, 6-8pm)
Wednesday Service Hours: separate time blocks with a comma (ie 9am-11am, 2-4pm Mandatory, 6-8pm)
Thursday Service Hours: separate time blocks with a comma  
((ie 9am-11am, 2-4pm Mandatory, 6-8pm)
Friday Service Hours: separate time blocks with a comma 
(ie 9am-11am, 2-4pm Mandatory, 6-8pm)
Weekend Service Hours:  please list all available service hours for Saturday & Sunday & note any mandatory hours
(ie Saturday: noon-5pm (optional), Sunday: none available)




IV. Fellow Responsibilities

In the spaces below, break down the Fellow’s time to describe their roles/responsibilities. Allocate a percentage of their time to each role and use the space in the description to clarify all associated tasks. The percentage of time on roles should add up to 100%. We will use this info to generate a one-page service description for prospective Fellows.

(outline or bullet all associated tasks & activities)
2nd Service Role/Responsibility
(if applicable, ok to leave blank)
 % of time
(outline or bullet all associated tasks & activities)
3rd Service Role/Responsibility
(if none, leave blank)
(outline or bullet all associated tasks & activities)

4th Service Role/Responsibility
(if none, leave blank)
(outline or bullet all associated tasks & activities)


We look forward to using this information to share a College Corps Fellowship position description with you. Before clicking “submit”, please make sure that you have filled in all fields completely.