Alternative Breaks – Break Leader Application

Thank you for your interest in Alternative Breaks. Before submitting an application:

  • Please review the Break Leader Roles and Responsibilities in full.
  • Block off Tuesdays from 6-8pm for Break Leader Trainings throughout the year.
  • Block off Wednesdays from 6-8pm for your trip DeCal.
  • Keep in mind there will be mandatory Center-wide Leadership Trainings/Events (dates to be announced)

Please note that to complete your application you are required to submit your most up-to-date resume and essay below. 

We encourage all applicants to utilize the Career Center’s guide to resume writing.

I. Demographic Information

First Name

(as it appears on your identification)


Last Name

(as it appears on your identification)

Berkeley Email (required) Non-Berkeley Email
Phone SID (if not a Cal student, enter your school or program name)
Expected Graduation Year
Are you a transfer student? Are you a first-generation college student, meaning your parents, guardians, or grandparents did not attend college?
What is your residential status?
Hometown What languages do you speak other than English?
If you selected “Other”, or would like to provide details about your gender identity, please do so here.

Racial or ethnic identity If you selected “I do not identify with the above options”, or would like to provide details about your race/ethnicity, please do so

How did you hear about this program? Would you like to subscribe to the Public Service Center’s monthly newsletter that lists community events, service and leadership opportunities, scholarships, and more?

The Public Service Center is committed to raising funds for those who need it.
Please share your financial aid status with us to help us make this happen. (Please check all that apply.)

Note: 65% of undergraduates receive some form of financial aid

Not Eligible for Financial Aid
Financial Aid Eligible
Work-Study Eligible
Pell Grant Eligible
Please list any dietary preferences or needs you may have. Please indicate whether you live in the Residence Hall, a co-op or are a member of a Fraternity or Sorority.
Have you participated in any Public Service Center Programs? If so, please select which ones. Use the CTRL key to select multiple programs.

Are you applying to any other internship or leadership programs in the upcoming school year? If so, please list them here.

II. Position Preference Information

Alternative Breaks Program Information

Are you a returning applicant? Are you a past program participant?

Break Leader Preferences

Preference #1 How interested are you in preference #1? (On a scale of 1-5, one being the lowest, five being the highest; include your reasoning)
Preference #2 How interested are you in preference #2? (On a scale of 1-5, one being the lowest, five being the highest; include your reasoning)
Preference #3 How interested are you in preference #3? (On a scale of 1-5, one being the lowest, five being the highest; include your reasoning)

III. Short Responses

Please limit your responses to no more than 200 words

What does social justice mean to you? In what other activities do you plan to participate during the school year and what time commitments are involved?  If selected to be an Alternative Breaks break leader, how will you balance your commitment as a break leader with your other activities?

IV. Short Essay 

In a single essay, not to exceed 600 words or two double-spaced pages, respond to the following prompts:

  • What qualities, qualifications, or experience do you have that speak to your ability to fulfill the role of a Break Leader?
  • What draws you to engage with the Alternative Breaks program? 

You may frame your essay as describing a particular social justice issue you have engaged with or would like to engage with (you may speak about the trip you are most interested in leading). Include what motivates your engagement with this particular issue, and why you would choose (or have chosen) to work for social change in this particular way.

V. Financial Support (Through Haas Public Service Scholarship)

In order to make this role accessible to students engaging in their service, students who meet the need based criteria for the Haas Leader Program are eligible to apply for financial support through this application. If you are not Work Study Eligible, you will likely not meet the minimum criteria to be considered for the award.


We invite students who have financial need to apply for the Peter E. Haas Public Service Leaders Program. Please review these service commitments for details and info on the program. If you are interested and think you might be eligible, please complete this section. 


The Haas Leaders scholarship is for students who cannot afford to serve 10-15 hours a week because they need to work to pay for school. Upon reviewing the program details, please describe how this scholarship will support your leadership goals and what you hope to gain by being a Haas Public Service Leader. The information you share will only be accessed by the reviewing committee. (Please limit your response to 250 words.)

We will make every effort to allocate funds as equitably as possible, but cannot guarantee that every student will receive an award.

VI. Resume 

Please upload your resume. 

VII. Application Checklist

Please check all boxes below to confirm the following:

   If selected, I will attend a mandatory Fall Break Leader Retreat (end of August, date TBD) and Spring Break Leader Retreat (end of January, date TBD)

   If selected, I will attend mandatory Break Leader Trainings on Tuesdays from 6-8pm.

   I have uploaded my resume.