The Mario Savio Social Justice Program honors and celebrates the moral courage, critical spirit, and vision of Mario Savio and countless other activists of his generation. Throughout his life, Mario struggled to advance human rights, social justice, economic and environmental justice, and freedom of expression. This program supports and encourages student activism that is engaged in the struggle towards building a more humane and just society.
Upcoming Events
Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong & Cesar Chavez Commemoration Event
March 21st from 5pm to 7pm – Berkeley City College Auditorium
Solidarity Spring
March 25-27, 2024 (Spring Break)
Join this three-day hands-on, paid service and community learning experience offered by the UC Berkeley Labor Center. You will engage with the labor movement through Bay Area Labor partners to learn the history of the labor movement! Learn more here!

Students pose with OEA banners and picket signs they created at the OEA Strike Ready art build.